Saturday, May 8, 2010

They're here!!!

where to start... first of all JT and Jarin are here and doing great! God is so good, there are not enough words to describe His love for us and our boys.

Now a quick overview of the last couple of weeks before I get to the good stuff. After being put on bedrest at 29 weeks a lot of things started to go wrong. I started getting awful headaches along with a mild case of Bells Palsy. I also ended up in the hospital for a few hours with contractions that were 3-6 minutes apart. They were able to calm them down with some medicine and I was sent home (the boys were born 11 days later). My next appointment showed a shortened cervix again as well as elevated blood pressure. They weren't worried enough to put me back in the hospital, but they put me on blood pressure medication and told me to stay calm as much as possible (easy to say, hard to do!). My next weeks appoinment showed that my cervix had shortened even more and there was fluid in it. Everything moved extremely quickly after that and I'm not sure I even remember everything correctly. They took me straight from my OB's office to the hospital and I was admitted. I was put on the contraction monitor which showed that I was contracting every 3 minutes and the meds they started giving me did not slow them down. They diagnosed me with preeclampsia which was extremely dangerous for me and the boys. So my OB and the high-risk doctor decided not to wait any longer and to take the boys at 31 weeks and 1 day via c-section. On April 29th James Elbert Sims III was born at 9:51pm and weighed 3 pounds 14 ounces and was 17.5 inches long. Jarin Harrington Sims was born at 9:53pm and weighed 3 pounds 12 ounces and was 16 inches long. Jarin was immediately put on a ventilator because he stopped breathing after taking his first breaths. The doctor said he was never without oxygen because they got his ventilator in so fast. Each boy had atleast 4 people around them so Jae and I did not get to see our boys. Once they stabilized each boy they put them in a incubator and wheeled them away to the NICU. Jae was able to see them briefly as they passed but I could not see a thing. I was then put in recovery and Jae went to update the waiting room full of family and friends that came to support us. Jae had to wait until 1am to see his boys and I was not able to see them until they were 40 hours old due to the medication they had me on to get me out of the danger zone of having seizures. It was the longest 40 hours of my life. That first visit to see them was the most amazing time. They are now 11 days old and have changed so much and made so much progress in those 11 days. Jae and I go to see them every day and hold them as much as we are permitted. They had a bit of a set-back yesterday and both had to be put on oxygen. Jarin was taken of oxygen today but JT is still on a ventilator. Jarin's bloodwork came back positive for staph infection so they are both being treated right now with antibiotics. We are trying not to be nervous and place our trust in God! We will try to update this blog daily with their progress and videos and pictures. Thank you all for you love and support during this time. We love ya'll! I will post pictures and videos in the next post!

1 comment:

  1. Great job updating the blog, Erin. We are praying for those two little boys and love them so much already!
